
Friday 29 November 2013



-Rugby is a contact sport team born in England, where he took the name from the rules of football developed at the College of the city of Rugby in the nineteenth century.

It is very popular in all nations of the British Isles as well as in former British colonies and France.
Apart from the above countries, rugby is practiced in all continents, with varying degrees of popularity and international competitiveness.

Main elements:  
File:RugbyPitch.svg-In rugby team of fifteen players each team face (although there is a variation for a set of seven). The playing field is rectangular and is grassed. Her measurements are up to 100 meters long and 70 wide. The playing field we add two areas, the area of brand (or in-goal) in each of the ends, no more than 22 meters each, designed to ground the ball for the try or "test" , main score of the game. 

At both ends of the field, in the center of the goal line two separated by 5.6 meters and connected by a crossbar located 3 meters high poles are installed. Posts should be a minimum of 3.4 meters high, which gives the set of the posts a form of H.

The parties, in the form of fifteen players, last eighty minutes, divided into two equal times (seventy minutes for juveniles under 19 categories).

General play:

  • Running with the ball in his hands evading players of the defending team.
  • Dar passes back or side (the forward pass is prohibited if done with the hands)
  • Trying to stop the ball carrier or knocking grasping earth (tackle)

  • If carrying the ball, trying to avoid being arrested or demolish rivals away with an outstretched arm and open hand
  • Kick the ball
  • Go to ground with the ball or over, provided that the immediately available
  • Participate in set pieces or spontaneous in that the ball, which is explained later (scrum, lineout, ruck and maul) is disputed.

Daniel Maciá Pérez

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