
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Love Letter

I'm sitting at the window, it starts raining outside, Ithought about you these last few days and although I hate to admit it, I miss you, I need you.Among all the tangle of ideas that spin inside my head, is your memory. Sometimes I have the impression that you will appear suddenly with a big smile as if you had never left.However, the illusion vanishes as soon as it appears and I return to reality, You aren't here neither you will be in a long time.Guilt and remorse haunt me. Why? Why didn't I tell you how much you want?Today you're so far away from me. I know anything happens to you. I wish to be able to hold your hand and sitting with you, without saying a word with your lips and saying everything with the heart.I feel really depressed because I can't see you. If I could, I would be at your side.I'd say are very important to me and that I adore you.Do you know why I never told you? The answer is simple, for fear of rejection, you probably you only see me as a friend, perhaps a sister who always wanted to have, but  you're much more than a friend for me, more than a brother.  You're my life and my heart. I suffer a lot from your game, it hurts the soul not to be near you and therefore my regret that I write this letter now,I need to vent, because if I need to mourn pretending to others that I'm fine, nothing worries me feel the lump in the throat and the sadness that opens a hole ever deeper into my soul will end up breaking my heart.Why not come back yet? I need you, my heart needs you to continueliving, and although you do not feel for me what I feel for you,would be very happy with every day to see my reflection in your eyes,hear the sound of your voice calling my name with breathingair that you breathe, that alone would settle and I assure youlive happy knowing that I will never love me like you.If you read this letter carefully, you realize that every word written in it is a tear and a sigh

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