
Friday 17 October 2014

Pistorius trial

Oscar Pistorius is a sud-african olimpic runner of 400 metres.
He has a transhibial prothesis in each leg (since he was eleven months old ), and that caused more protests because people thought that he has an unfair advantage over other runners.
On 14th of February of 2013 Oscar Pistorius shooted his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp with a gun for three times and she died. Oscar was bring for a judge but he didn't went to prission because there aren't suficient clues to incriminate him.
The press discovered that Oscar Pistorius was an arm maniatic and because of that shooted his gun inmediately when he listened a bump in his house and he was scared.
Now he is in conditional freedom and for example he can't go to an airport or many things that people without antecedents can do.

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